Book a Super Sense reading


Super Senses act as natural antennae and projectors for unseen flows of data.

They are your Inner Compass that empowers you to sense shifts and navigate life with clarity and harmony.

Super Senses help you make decisions far beyond the limits of your analytical mind.

Everyone is born with Super Senses.

Here are a few common abilities, from over 50 that I have detected:

Claircognizance - just “knowing” how something works

Clairaudience - hearing messages silently

Telepathy - sensing other people’s thoughts and project thoughts to others

Precognition - sensing highly probable futures

Magnetoreception - sensing magnetic directional flows in the environment

Over time, they may have been hidden from fear or dulled with neglect.

I help you identify, activate, and develop them.

Embrace your unique inner power today with a Super Sense reading

Receive a personal reading from me with a list of your unique Super Senses and tailored tips.